In diesen winterlichen Tagen können Dank der kreativen Schülerinnen und Schüler der Klasse 5c die coolsten Schneemänner und -frauen der Stadt bewundert werden. Im Rahmen des Englischunterrichts bei Frau Winter stellten sich 11 Schülerinnen und Schüler der „Snowman Challenge“.
So entstanden eine Schnee-Meerjungfrau, ein kubanischer Schneemann, ein Schnee-Eishockeyspieler und neun weitere coole Schneemänner und -frauen. Der Favorit der Klasse ist „Mr. X“; seine Sonnenbrille macht ihn zum coolsten Schneemann der Stadt.
In den kommenden Unterrichtsstunden werden die Fotos der selbstgebauten Schneemänner zur Gestaltung eines Spiels (Wer ist es?) genutzt, um die neue Grammatik (Yes/No-quesions and short answers) zu erlernen:
”Does he like sport?” – “No, he doesn’t”.
“Is he the coolest snowman in town?” – Yes, he is!”

Hi, I’m Snake. I am the coolest snowman in town, because I can play ice hockey.

This is Snoopy. He has an orange nose, and he is small. He is the coolest snowman.

Hi, I‘m Snowgirl and I like to play in the snow with my football. I‘m the coolest snowman in town because I‘m the captain of my snowteam.

This is Frosty the Snowman. This is the coolest snowman in town because he can play football! And he is a big Fortuna Düsseldorf fan.

This is my tiny snowman, and he is the coolest snowman in town because he is very brave, and he protects my window and fights monsters.

Hello, this is my snowman. It’s a snowwoman and her name is Daisy. She is the coolest snowwoman in town because she is a snow mermaid and goes swimming now.

This is my snowman Mister X. He is the coolest snowman because he has cool sunglasses.

This is Leo. He is the coolest snowman because he has green eyes and a green mouth.

Hello, I’m Susi l’m a snowman and I love the winter, but I have no arms and no hands.

This is Roberto. He is the coolest snowman in town because he is a Cuban snowman.

This is my snowman family, Magda and Julia. They are the coolest snowman family in town because they can draw pictures with the class 5c.